Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just a Lil' Patience

You, yes u who made me waitin' for so long ~

This is how I look like when I'm a bit pissed off~
But then I realize 'I'm in control of my emotion!', so while waiting I thought of appreciating things around me...~
I never thought my watch cud be this beautiful!~ (tho, I've been cursing each time lookin at it few minutes ago) :p~
This is keren banget ya~
Nice one~
Em, UiTM is turning evergreen?? everywhere is green. wow, so refreshing ~
after looking left and right, left and right searching for something to snap, when I looked up, there u go.. a beautiful awesome shape of star. heehe;p
Bunga Raya Hibiscus biscuit Raya. :D

I bet everyone doesn't like being torture of waiting! But, pls remember, when u get mad, u wont get anything, perhaps u gonna die soon bcos of heart attack and so on;), so next time if u need to wait for somebody ( or something in ur life) do tk a deep breathe and look around you. Find thing which can make u appreciate the environment more.

Happy waiting and sing a lil prayer to comfort you! :p Good luck x

x pammy


.::Hani in D Major::. said...

i loike dis entry..hahaha

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